Those of you, who are familiar with American history, know that for every need of this growing country came men with ambition, zeal, and fortitude to meet each undertaking. A striking example of this is the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company.

On September 5th, 1920 the east side of town was destroyed by fire, and on February 25, 1924, the west side of town was destroyed. These events caused a little band of men with the same courage and determination possessed by the founders of this great country, to organize against the evil force. Through hard work and the ability to overcome many obstacles, they have obtained one of the most modern Fire Companies on the Eastern Shore.

Chincoteague is proud of its Fire Company, and it has a right to be. These men have displayed the same traits of their forefathers, and have met Chincoteague's great need in its dark hours of struggle. Today, they are still serving Chincoteague and living up to their motto "Service for Others".

News & Events:

2012 Chili Chowder Cook-off

The Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company invites you to the 13th Annual Chili-Chowder Cook-off, October 20, 2012 from 11 am. to 5 pm. at the Carnival Grounds on Main Street. Cooker and vendor applications, and the event flyer, may be downloaded by clicking the links below.
Fire Company Building Fund:

CVFC Ladies Auxiliary donate $10,000 to New Building Fund.

Associated Insurance Centers of America- Chincoteague Island office presents fire company treasurer Billy Joe Tarr with a check for $500 to go towards the fire company's new building fund.


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